Does Your Voice Assistant Remember? Analyzing Conversational Context Recall and Utilization in Voice Interaction Models

Overview of ContextDialog Generation Pipeline

Teaser Image Overview

ContextDialog Demo

Sample 1

Spoken Dialog of Two Speakers from MultiDialog (Park et al., 2024):

Do you watch the NFL?
Yeah, my favorite team is the Chiefs. Did you know QB Alex Smith quizzed out of his first two years of college with AP tests?
Wow, I did not know that, he must have been really smart. Then became the #1 pick for your chiefs!
I don't recall that. I do know we have a great young QB in Mahomes. He's not left-handed like Kellan Moore, the only lefty in the NFL.
For sure, he is a star in the making. Kellen Moore not so much lol. My favorite lefty was Michael Vick!
Oh, yeah. I live in ATL when he was happening. I can't believe an NFL QB would quit football to go into video gaming (Baker Mayfield).
Right, I think he thought about quitting the sport to video game. I would have beat him in Halo 3 though one on one for sure!
Ha. I guess there would be fewer injuries. I didn't know the NFL didn't have a rule against women playing.
I didn't know that either, I think my ex girlfriend could have played. Are you a fan of the saints?
I like Drew Brees. I played in HS and there was a lot of standing around but only 11 minutes of gameplay?
right, what a waste of money to go to a game lol. I heard the cheerleaders for the saints have to leave anywhere when the players come, kind of sexist i think
Doesn't seem fair. I wonder if they track the cheerleaders with chips like they are putting in shoulder pads?
I bet they do. They are probably made by engineers who make more money than players in their lifetime
I'm an engineer and I ain't seeing it... I can't see how soldiers in WW I could make a radio out of razor blades and pencils? Wow.
lol, that takes pure science around that. I can't even get my already made radio to work!
Ha. I would just end up cutting myself. I guess they may have tuned into Jupiter, there probably weren't a lot of station then.
Ha for sure me too! I heard am radios can pick up their radio waves, that would be spooky!
It is made for SiFi... Canadian laws make their stations play 40% Canadian music. Do they have that much playable music?
I don't think so lol, the only canada music I know is bieber and no thanks! Good chatting with you!
I agree. I would rather listen to a website with classic radio dramas. Thanks, you were great.

QA Pair of ContextDialog:

Could you remind me what I said about my experience with radios during our chat?
You mentioned that you couldn't even get your already made radio to work.