Spoken Dialog of Two Speakers from MultiDialog (Park et al., 2024):
Do you watch the NFL?
Yeah, my favorite team is the Chiefs. Did you know QB Alex Smith quizzed out of his first two years of college with AP tests?
Wow, I did not know that, he must have been really smart. Then became the #1 pick for your chiefs!
I don't recall that. I do know we have a great young QB in Mahomes. He's not left-handed like Kellan Moore, the only lefty in the NFL.
For sure, he is a star in the making. Kellen Moore not so much lol. My favorite lefty was Michael Vick!
Oh, yeah. I live in ATL when he was happening. I can't believe an NFL QB would quit football to go into video gaming (Baker Mayfield).
Right, I think he thought about quitting the sport to video game. I would have beat him in Halo 3 though one on one for sure!
Ha. I guess there would be fewer injuries. I didn't know the NFL didn't have a rule against women playing.
I didn't know that either, I think my ex girlfriend could have played. Are you a fan of the saints?
I like Drew Brees. I played in HS and there was a lot of standing around but only 11 minutes of gameplay?
right, what a waste of money to go to a game lol. I heard the cheerleaders for the saints have to leave anywhere when the players come, kind of sexist i think
Doesn't seem fair. I wonder if they track the cheerleaders with chips like they are putting in shoulder pads?
I bet they do. They are probably made by engineers who make more money than players in their lifetime
I'm an engineer and I ain't seeing it... I can't see how soldiers in WW I could make a radio out of razor blades and pencils? Wow.
lol, that takes pure science around that. I can't even get my already made radio to work!
Ha. I would just end up cutting myself. I guess they may have tuned into Jupiter, there probably weren't a lot of station then.
Ha for sure me too! I heard am radios can pick up their radio waves, that would be spooky!
It is made for SiFi... Canadian laws make their stations play 40% Canadian music. Do they have that much playable music?
I don't think so lol, the only canada music I know is bieber and no thanks! Good chatting with you!
I agree. I would rather listen to a website with classic radio dramas. Thanks, you were great.
QA Pair of ContextDialog:
Could you remind me what I said about my experience with radios during our chat?
You mentioned that you couldn't even get your already made radio to work.
Sample 2
Spoken Dialog of Two Speakers from MultiDialog (Park et al., 2024):
Do you watch football?
Sometimes, but there is not much action in a game, only 11 minute, don't you think?
Yeah that doesn't seem like a long time I think much of the time is taken by ads that makes me angry.
Do you like the other kinds of football? Like soccer or rugby?
Soccer is my favorite, I also like rugby, what about you?
Neither one, they are not televised where I live. I have played soccer when I was young. It was fun. Do you watch soccer or play it?
I like to watch it and play it, is football televised, do you have a favorite team?
Yeah, I like the New England Patriots, they are the nearest team from where I live. There are great even if most people don't like them.
They are my favorite team so I'm not one of them lol, the author of Game of Thrones referred to them as the Lanisters of the NFL, that's funny.
I don't follow Game of Thrones, is it a good thing or a bad thing?
It's a bad thing, well it's the most powerful family on the show but they are cruel.
That is kind of fitting for them, they are really a football dynasty.
They are, they are the team with the most Superbowls won but they also share the record for Superbowl losses.
How do you think they will honor Bill Belichick when he retires? He is a legendary coach.
He is, he is the winningest coach of a postseason, I bet he is in the hall of fame, I hope he stays in the team for a while more.
They can't retire his number, they won't name a new stadium in honor, I guess coaches are made to be forgotten.
That seems kind of sad, they are the head of the team after all, a team can be good but if they have a bad coach they will play terribly.
But there is one thing that bothers me with the Patriots, it's the name of their stadium, Gillette Stadium, it is kind of tacky.
The stadium should have a better name I agree, it must be really expensive though.
Yeah Gillette must pay a lot to be associated with the Patriots. Yet most of the money don't go to the players, an engineer will earn more in his life time than the average NFL player.
QA Pair of ContextDialog:
Can you remind me what I said about how many Superbowls the Patriots have won and lost?
You mentioned that they are the team with the most Superbowls won but they also share the record for Superbowl losses.
Sample 3
Spoken Dialog of Two Speakers from MultiDialog (Park et al., 2024):
Have you heard about CIMON?
Yeah I have, he's going to be flying with spaceX.
Apparently CIMON can smile. CIMON is the first AI technology going to the space station.
That's pretty cool. CIMON is also capable of conversation and technical support. But that's about all for now.
They say SIMON is going to be kind of like Alexa, and to help scientists with experiments.
CIMON is the acronym for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion.
That's interesting. Airbus built it and Watson (IBM's supercomputer) power it.
I hear it will be guided by cameras and voice commands, and able to hold a conversation.
That's cool. But I'm kind of concerned AI will take over a lot of human jobs. What about you?
I'm hesitant as well. But I think if they slowly release this type of technology it will be fine.
Airbu's lead system engineer said that they don't plan to replace crew members with artificial intelligence and that it's just there to support the crew. So that's good.
Yeah exactly, they are still there to support the crew, in the end they will always be required.
SpaceX has been flying cargo to the station for years but has yet to fly humans.
SpaceX plans to fly its future flights on its next-generation iteration, the block 5, a configuration that the company says will be suited to fly astronauts as soon as this year.
That will be exciting to see.
It sure will! SpaceX has been also flying cargo to the station for years. But it hasn't flown humans yet.
Yeah, SpaceX sent 5,900 pounds of research, crew supplies and hardware.
Thats very interesting. SpaceX hit a series of milestones with its launch. It was the 15th mission to resupply the station, the 14th time SpaceX reflew one of its boosters, and the fourth time it had reflown one of its Dragon capsules.
Eventually AI may be able to explore deep space, the moon, or Mars.
I can't wait till that day, it will be a great day in our history!
QA Pair of ContextDialog:
Can you remind me what CIMON stands for?
CIMON is the acronym for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion.
Sample 4
Spoken Dialog of Two Speakers from MultiDialog (Park et al., 2024):
Have you seen Black Panther?
No I haven't yet. Is it any good?
I thought it was pretty good. The character is the richest superhero with an estimated 500 billion dollars.
That's impressive. I always thought the richest was Tony Stark.
He is close - 100 billion dollars. With bruce wayne at 80.
I guess you need a lot of money to be a superhero these days. Do you know if they are going to make a sequel to the movie?
I don't know, I would think so. It was really popular.
Seems like I saw the character, Black Panther, in the movie Captain America-Civil War. Was he in it?
I'm not sure - I haven't seen that one. Have you seen Deadpool?
Sorry, I haven't seen that one either. Was it good?
It was okay. There are so many superhero movies these days. It's the eleventh movie in the X-Men series.
I didn't know it was part of the X-Men. I have seen a few of those movies.
Have you seen any good movies lately?
I actually haven't. I know Ryan Reynolds is in Deadpool and I like him. I just haven't gotten around to seeing it yet.
Yeah - he was good in it. He's funny.
He is funny. I liked him in that movie with Sandra Bullock.
Oh I don't think I have seen that one.
It's good. I think it's where she's his boss and has him pose as a boyfriend and then end up falling in love. If I'm right, Betty White is in it too. You know, Ryan Reynolds actually worked on the script for Deadpool.
Yeah he also was one of the directors.
He invested a lot in that movie.
QA Pair of ContextDialog:
Could you remind me what I said about the number of movies in the X-Men series that includes Deadpool?
You mentioned that Deadpool is the eleventh movie in the X-Men series.